Tuning into the Wild

Allieve laboratorio intensivo

Dal 10 al 15 ago­sto 2017



Tuning into the Wild is a PROJECT aiming to con­nect us dee­ply with a wild sta­te in which we find our real natu­re, our weight on the mother earth. The dif­fe­rent work­shops, from qi gong to soma­tic prac­ti­ce, to voi­ce and per­ma­cul­tu­re, will focus on deve­lo­ping aware­ness and crea­ti­vi­ty throu­gh voi­ce-move­ment. It will take pla­ce amid­st the sce­nic red earth of Puglia — South Ita­ly, which will be our inspi­ra­tion ‘muse”: Natu­re will be our gui­de, reso­na­ting in our instinc­tual wild­ness at the same time the sen­se of com­ple­te belon­ging in a pla­ce in which our iden­ti­ty can expand until we can feel our­sel­ves being part of moving clouds, a sli­ver of grass shi­ve­ring in the wind.

We will work in a dan­ce stu­dio that is open to the land­sca­pe around and we will also enjoy the sea at sun­ri­se and secu­lar oli­ve tree forests, as well as excur­sions in a natu­ral and undi­stur­bed pla­ce.

This pro­ject will inspi­re both movers, dan­cers, actors, sin­gers and tho­se inte­re­sted in Natu­ra­li­sm, Per­ma­cul­tu­re, Eco­psi­co­lo­gy. Deep Eco­lo­gy, eco­tou­ri­sm and to whom that wan­ts to lea­ve spa­ce for won­der and cele­bra­te the soul of the world.

In this 3″ edi­tion of TUNING INTO THE WILD we will prac­ti­ce qi gong. Fel­den­krais. Body Mind Cen­te­ring, Con­tact Impro­vi­sa­tion, moving mas­sa­ge, body­work with a Bio­di­na­mic Cra­nio­sa­cral approach and Per­ma­cul­tu­re lec­tu­re. On the beach at sun­ri­se, bet­ween one bath and the other, we will enjoy with sand mas­sa­ge, con­tact, medi­ta­tion and yoga. During the excur­sion in a natu­ral site we will prac­ti­ce Authen­tic move­ment and wild dan­ce impro­vi­sa­tion. At sun­set, in a cir­cle under a geo­de­sic dome, we will share tra­di­tio­nal song of recon­nec­tion with Mather Earth. We will have an eve­ning sha­ring for who wan­ts to show pie­ces, per­for­man­ces, video, pho­tos, impro­vi­sa­tion or con­tact jam.

Arti­stic direc­tion of the Tuning: Fran­ce­sco Zita