Francesco Zita e Germana Siciliani

About Us

Casi­na Set­tar­te is a pla­ce of research and inspi­ra­tion, of con­nec­tion with natu­re throu­gh prac­ti­ces of move­ment, sin­ging and arti­stic expres­sion. Here dai­ly life is mar­ked by the prin­ci­ples of love for the land, atten­tion and care for eve­ry living being and the search for one’s essen­ce.

Foun­ded in 1993 in Puglia by Ger­ma­na Sici­liani and Fran­ce­sco Zita, it began ope­ra­ting in the form of a social pro­mo­tion asso­cia­tion the fol­lo­wing year. Casi­na Set­tar­te is a cen­ter for edu­ca­tion and deve­lo­p­ment of crea­ti­vi­ty throu­gh the prac­ti­ce of sustai­na­bi­li­ty, a pla­ce of research and expe­ri­men­ta­tion sur­roun­ded by natu­re.

The cen­ter is focu­sed on move­ment, applied arts, per­ma­cul­tu­re, yoga, Con­tact Impro­vi­sa­tion, dan­ce thea­tre, Tai Chi – Qi Gong, voi­ce, sin­ging, Butoh dan­ce, Fel­den­krais, mas­sa­ge, body­work.

At Casi­na Set­tar­te we try to live sustai­na­bly eve­ry day. Sustai­na­bi­li­ty means a balan­ce bet­ween the sati­sfac­tion of pre­sent needs and the abi­li­ty of futu­re gene­ra­tions to sati­sfy their own.

And it is pre­ci­se­ly in the sim­ple things of eve­ry­day life that we can pay atten­tion to adop­ting sustai­na­ble beha­viours: sepa­ra­te waste col­lec­tion, the reduc­tion of pla­stic con­sump­tion, the reu­se of glass con­tai­ners, the use of natu­ral and bio­de­gra­da­ble soaps and atten­tion to water con­sump­tion are small gestu­res to start with. Ours is an invi­ta­tion to eve­ryo­ne to reflect on how we can act in a more sustai­na­ble way in our dai­ly lives, with sim­pli­ci­ty and ini­tia­ti­ve.

Over the years Casi­na Set­tar­te has beco­me a pla­ce to share dreams, deve­lop pro­jec­ts, evol­ve human poten­tial with natu­re as a tea­cher. Bio­di­ver­si­ty and crea­ti­vi­ty: a pla­ce to increa­se aware­ness that we are part of a who­le and that our eve­ry per­so­nal action echoes throu­ghout the uni­ver­se.