It’s won­der­ful when a pla­ce belongs to eve­ryo­ne. We must be care­ful, howe­ver, that it does not beco­me anyo­ne’s pro­per­ty.

We invi­te you to enter the world of Casi­na Set­tar­te with the spi­rit of this splen­did phra­se. At Casi­na Set­tar­te we try to live in a sustai­na­ble way eve­ry day: sustai­na­bi­li­ty means a balan­ce bet­ween the sati­sfac­tion of pre­sent needs and the pos­si­bi­li­ty of futu­re gene­ra­tions to sati­sfy their own. It is pre­ci­se­ly in the sim­ple things of eve­ry­day life that we can pay atten­tion to adop­ting sustai­na­ble beha­viors: sepa­ra­te waste col­lec­tion, the reduc­tion of pla­stic con­sump­tion, the reu­se of glass con­tai­ners, the use of natu­ral and bio­de­gra­da­ble soaps and atten­tion to con­sump­tion. of water are small gestu­res to start with. Ours is an invi­ta­tion to eve­ryo­ne to reflect on how we can act in a more sustai­na­ble way in our dai­ly lives, with sim­pli­ci­ty and ini­tia­ti­ve.

The arri­val

Plea­se advi­se us of your arri­val time and means of trans­port. Usual­ly a com­mon appoint­ment is orga­ni­zed for all par­ti­ci­pan­ts the day befo­re the start of the semi­nar to ratio­na­li­ze tra­vel. Our Face­book page can be a pla­ce to orga­ni­ze shared and eco-friend­ly trans­por­ta­tion. The sta­tion is about 15 minu­tes away by car, so for any excep­tions we need time to orga­ni­ze our­sel­ves.

Things to bring

Desi­re to live in com­mu­ni­ty and spi­rit of adap­ta­tion. Slee­ping bag or shee­ts and pil­lo­w­ca­ses (the­re are beds with mat­tress covers and pil­lo­ws); towels; fla­shlight for the night. Swea­ter or swea­tshirt (may be cool in the eve­ning); cream for mosqui­toes in hot periods. Shoes for dan­cing in natu­re or for wal­king. A ther­mos or water bot­tle. 100% natu­ral and bio­de­gra­da­ble per­so­nal hygie­ne pro­duc­ts (sham­poo, con­di­tio­ner, soap, too­th­pa­ste, etc.: in Casi­na Set­tar­te all waste water flo­ws into the ground and we take great care not to poi­son it). Things not to bring the­re­fo­re: pla­stic (bot­tles, bags, bags), che­mi­cal pro­duc­ts for per­so­nal hygie­ne (soap, sham­poo, too­th­pa­ste).

Coo­king / Meal mana­ge­ment

Meals are main­ly vege­ta­rian, we cook toge­ther and local, zero-mile food is pre­fer­red. Meals are mana­ged in shif­ts and the shif­ts will be deci­ded at the begin­ning of the semi­nar. For break­fa­st, lunch and din­ner the group in char­ge will pre­pa­re the meal and take care of the final washing of the pots and com­mon con­tai­ners used. At the end of the meal the group is respon­si­ble for ensu­ring that eve­ry­thing is clean and in order. Instead, eve­ryo­ne will wash their own dishes at the end of the meal in the desi­gna­ted area. The kit­chen is exter­nal, it is neces­sa­ry not to lea­ve food scraps around so as not to attract ani­mals. Food into­le­ran­ces, aller­gies: let us know if you have any par­ti­cu­lar die­ta­ry needs, so that we can orga­ni­ze the coo­king ser­vi­ce.


The tap water is not drin­ka­ble; you will find drin­king water in the metal con­tai­ners appro­pria­te­ly mar­ked at the kit­chen. We are in the coun­try­si­de, so an eye on water con­sump­tion is neces­sa­ry: the city aque­duct does not reach here, so the enti­re water requi­re­ment of the struc­tu­re is met by the cisterns. We the­re­fo­re try to avoid waste by clo­sing the taps whi­le bru­shing our teeth, soa­ping our­sel­ves or washing the dishes. Sho­wers after the sea (due to the sand) must be taken in the exter­nal sho­wers (near the fish hou­se or next to the trul­lo) due to the risk of bloc­ka­ges in the pipes. For any advi­ce or doub­ts, we are at your dispo­sal.

Waste sor­ting

In Casi­na Set­tar­te sepa­ra­te waste col­lec­tion is very impor­tant. We try to mini­mi­ze our envi­ron­men­tal impact by avoi­ding the con­sump­tion of pla­stic and non-recy­cla­ble mate­rials. Eve­ry­thing else must be sepa­ra­ted into the appro­pria­te con­tai­ners. We try to reu­se glass and hard pla­stic con­tai­ners.

  • Wet/compost = food scraps, fruit and vege­ta­ble scraps
  • Glass = bot­tles. Glass jars are gene­ral­ly recy­cled for jams, sau­ces and various uses;
  • Pla­stic = bot­tles, wrap­pers, bags;
  • Paper = paper, card­board, tetra­pak;

Plea­se also ask you not to lea­ve bot­tles, creams or bags lying around. At the end of the semi­nar, take what you no lon­ger need to the appro­pria­te con­tai­ners.

Smo­ke and Fires

As a pre­cau­tion, we ask you to smo­ke exclu­si­ve­ly in the smo­king area near the kit­chen and not elsewhe­re (rooms, bath­rooms, near the loun­ge).
It is very arid and it is often win­dy and the fire risk is high. Ciga­ret­te butts must be pla­ced in the appro­pria­te ash­trays and emp­tied appro­pria­te­ly to pre­vent them from being disper­sed in the sur­roun­ding natu­re. We also ask that you do not light fires.

Mem­ber­ship fee

To pay the fee, which will take pla­ce in the eve­ning upon your arri­val or on the mor­ning of the fir­st day of the intern­ship, we kind­ly ask you to bring cash. If you need to be accom­pa­nied to the ATM, plea­se let us know.

Other gene­ral info

Dry sto­ne walls: in this land the­re are exam­ples of pea­sant land art repre­sen­ted by dry sto­ne walls crea­ted and sculp­ted more than 100 years ago. It is very impor­tant not to walk on the edge of the walls and use the appro­pria­te steps bet­ween one ter­ra­ce and ano­ther. Trees, vege­ta­ble gar­den: in gene­ral it is bet­ter to avoid clim­bing trees, pic­king fruit or vege­ta­bles (we have limi­ted fami­ly pro­duc­tion) or wal­king within the sown area of the vege­ta­ble gar­den. For legal rea­sons it is stric­tly for­bid­den to use nar­co­tic sub­stan­ces in Casi­na Set­tar­te.

We invi­te you to feel part of this pla­ce and respon­si­ble for its care, the com­mon spa­ces, the accom­mo­da­tion and the various work rooms.