Body Liberation Retreat

Body Liberation Retreat, luglio 2024

From 3 to 9 luglio 2024

Info – +49 176 63304564

Body Reso­nan­ce based on Butoh Dan­ce, Dan­ce with Natu­re and Authen­tic Move­ment

BODY LIBERATION RETRAIT – How can we achie­ve body libe­ra­tion? How can we nou­rish the hea­ling body? In this retreat we will dan­ce and move, encou­ra­ging the resi­lient body, fle­xi­ble like lea­ves in the wind and sta­ble like deep roo­ts, capa­ble of meta­mor­pho­sis and tran­sfor­ma­tion. This retreat is based on “Body Reso­nan­ce” — based on Butoh and orga­nic move­ment and “Dan­ce with Natu­re” and Authen­tic Move­ment, a jour­ney into the reso­nan­ces of the body, ima­ges and natu­re.

PROGRAM – In the mor­ning ses­sion, Yumi­ko Yoshio­ka leads “Body Reso­nan­ce”, a mee­ting with the memo­ries of the body, its reso­nan­ces, free­ing the resi­lient ele­ment of our body. The lunch break will give us the oppor­tu­ni­ty to rest in natu­re or cool off in the sea! In the after­noon, Anna­li­sa Mag­gia­ni will lead us with “Dan­ce with natu­re” in the reso­nan­ces of the ele­men­ts. Our body will find a way to expand and free the ima­gi­na­tion and the poten­tial for meta­mor­pho­sis, trai­ned in the mor­ning, up to authen­tic move­ment” by let­ting itself be moved by the ima­ges and con­tac­ting the expe­rien­ce of the col­lec­ti­ve body. The two parts mer­ge with each other , a path open to reso­nan­ces, to open­ness to expe­rien­ce and aware­ness, to free­ing emo­tio­nal and bodi­ly blocks and to the inte­gra­tion of this expe­rien­ce into our life and art.

OUR PHILOSOPHY — The body under­stood as a pla­ce of Being, of Beco­ming, of Pas­sa­ge in the con­ti­nuous flow of exi­sten­ce, as a pla­ce of trea­su­res to be kno­wn: by giving sha­pe to the ima­ges that start from the body and from the encoun­ter with natu­re we obtain a per­cep­tion stron­ger than the world of sen­sa­tions, of inter­nal land­sca­pes and of the con­nec­tion with the exter­nal world, of the con­nec­tion not only with our­sel­ves but also with what sur­rounds us and with natu­re and the uni­ver­se of which we are part.

BODY LIBERATION! — This retreat does not want to be a the­ra­py, but an expe­rien­ce of dan­ce, move­ment and crea­ti­vi­ty, which offers the pos­si­bi­li­ty of being more recep­ti­ve, in con­tact with the Self that nou­ri­shes us, open to crea­ti­ve expe­rien­ce and life: orga­nic move­ment , the reso­nan­ces of the body, the encoun­ter with natu­re and the trans-per­so­nal aspect can nou­rish the rege­ne­ra­tion ener­gies inhe­rent in the body: Body Libe­ra­tion! Yumi­ko Yoshio­ka and Anna­li­sa Mag­gia­ni have been col­la­bo­ra­ting for about 30 years in per­for­man­ces, per­for­ma­ti­ve pro­jec­ts and work­shops. This new pro­po­sal was born from the desi­re to crea­te a retreat for rege­ne­ra­tion and self-care by com­bi­ning Body Reso­nan­ce and Butoh with Dan­ce with Natu­re and Authen­tic Move­ment.

  • Yumi­ko Yoshio­ka — Part of the third gene­ra­tion of Butoh dan­cers, Yumi­ko Yoshio­ka has deve­lo­ped a per­so­nal sty­le of body work cal­led Body Reso­nan­ce, which inte­gra­tes Butoh prac­ti­ce, Nogu­chi Tai­so gym­na­stics and various other Asian trai­ning methods to help pre­pa­re the body for recei­ve and tran­smit dan­ce and crea­tion. Body Reso­nan­ce starts from the idea that the world, inclu­ding our body and soul, is made up of vibra­tio­nal waves that crea­te con­stant reso­nan­ces like an echo. When we tune our body to that fre­quen­cy, we recei­ve ima­ges, fee­lings and sen­sa­tions as a result. For this to hap­pen, we must fir­st sha­ke off unne­ces­sa­ry ten­sions. In effect, we crea­te a blank can­vas of our body to paint new colors on. “I teach this as a “neu­tra­li­za­tion” pro­cess, encou­ra­ging a near-zero sta­te, eli­mi­na­ting rust, and poli­shing the “anten­na” to cap­tu­re waves from the deep layers of the body. The tran­sfor­ma­tions and con­cen­tra­tions of the dan­ce break the egg­shell of the form. The armor of our ego mel­ts away, allo­wing reso­nant memo­ries to emer­ge from our cells floa­ting in the pri­mor­dial liquid of time.”
  • Anna­li­sa Mag­gia­ni, dan­cer, per­for­mer and psy­cho­lo­gi­st, has deve­lo­ped her own method “Move­ment-Dan­ce with Natu­re and Aware­ness”, the result of long research aimed at crea­ting a ground of aware­ness and inte­gra­tion bet­ween the body, the ima­gi­na­tion, the evo­lu­tio­na­ry pha­ses and the ele­men­ts of natu­re: Butoh dan­ce, Shin­rin Yoku, Dan­ce-Move­ment-The­ra­py, authen­tic move­ment, and Art-The­ra­py are the focal poin­ts of this research. Fun­da­men­tal poin­ts of Dan­ce with Natu­re are to re-esta­blish a con­nec­tion with the “natu­ral body”, com­bi­ne indi­vi­dual rituals with col­lec­ti­ve rituals, the reso­nan­ce of ima­ges of Natu­re, natu­ral ele­men­ts and the body, the birth of a per­so­nal dan­ce, con­nec­ting our expe­rien­ces to our dai­ly life. The Authen­tic Move­ment gives this approach the roo­ts of an embo­died pre­sen­ce as the basis for the deve­lo­p­ment of aware­ness and a sen­se of well-being and belon­ging.

Yumi­ko Yoshio­ka (Tokyo-Ber­lin) is a butoh tea­cher, dan­cer and cho­reo­gra­pher. Yumi­ko is a for­mer mem­ber of Aria­do­ne, the fir­st fema­le Butoh trou­pe, foun­ded by Ko Muro­bu­shi and Car­lot­ta Ike­da in 1974. In 1978 she per­for­med with Ko and Car­lot­ta in Paris, in LE DERNIER EDEN — PORTE DE L’AU-DELA, the fir­st Butoh show to be pre­sen­ted in a public thea­ter outsi­de Japan. In 1988 she met Mina­ko Seki and del­ta RA’i in Ber­lin, with whom she foun­ded tatoe­ba THÉÂTRE DANCE GROTESQUE. Yumi­ko foun­ded the art trai­ning group “TEN PEN CHii art labor” with visual arti­st Joa­chim Man­ger (Ger­ma­ny) and music com­po­ser Zam John­son (USA). Many other col­la­bo­ra­tions with inter­na­tio­nal artists and dan­cers encou­ra­ged Yumi­ko to begin deve­lo­ping her own per­so­nal sty­le of dan­ce and cho­reo­gra­phy.

Anna­li­sa Mag­gia­ni (La Spe­zia-Ber­lin) is a dan­cer — Butoh -, cho­reo­gra­pher, dan­ce the­ra­pi­st and psy­cho­lo­gi­st, phi­lo­so­pher (Uni­ver­si­ty of Pisa), Master Art psy­cho­the­ra­pi­st (God­smith Col­le­ge). You have been lear­ning and prac­ti­cing Authen­tic Move­ment for 25 years with Tina Stroom­sted, J.Chodorow, Janet Adler, Rosa Maria Govo­ni and Mar­cia Ple­vin, Master in Authen­tic Move­ment (2019–21 Ita­lian Art The­ra­py). In Ita­ly you wor­ked as a dan­ce the­ra­pi­st in various psy­chia­tric reha­bi­li­ta­tion cen­ters and direc­ted the Solo Butoh dan­ce festi­val “La Dan­za di Con­fi­ne” (Leri­ci, Sar­za­na 2003–2013). You cur­ren­tly live and work in Ber­lin and Ita­ly. In Ber­lin, she works at the Inter­cul­tu­ral Cen­ter for Women S.U.S.I., with refu­gee women and dan­ce the­ra­py pro­jec­ts with women with eating disor­ders. In Ber­lin and Ita­ly you have col­la­bo­ra­ted on various social and per­for­ma­ti­ve pro­jec­ts with many visual artists and musi­cians. In Ber­lin you foun­ded “Salu­ta­re”, the fir­st Ita­lian men­tal health asso­cia­tion in Ger­ma­ny. She tea­ches expres­si­ve the­ra­pies at the Cam­pus Natu­ra­lis Aca­de­my (Ber­lin, Leip­zig, Ham­burg).

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